Slipped Disc

‘Slipped’ (prolapsed) disc happens when the inner softer part of the disc (the nucleus pulposus) bulges out (herniates) through a weakness in the outer part of the disc. A prolapsed disc is sometimes called a herniated disc.

It is usually caused by excessive strain or trauma to the spine. Contributing factors to slip disc may include sedentary lifestyle, overweight and weak muscles. It may result in back pain, pain or sensation in different parts of the body, and physical disability. 

Symptoms of a slipped disc include:

  • pain and numbness, most commonly on one side of the body
  • pain that extends to your arms or legs
  • pain that worsens at night or with certain movements
  • pain that worsens after standing or sitting
  • pain when walking short distances
  • unexplained muscle weakness
  • tingling, aching, or burning sensations in the affected area

An untreated severe slip disc can lead to loss of bowel and bladder control and saddle anaesthesia (loss of sensation in your inner thighs, the back of your legs, and around your rectum).

At Vivacare Advanced Physiotherapy and Pain Clinic, our physiotherapists will assess the cause of your condition and advise you with individualized treatment plan. The clinic provides following therapies to bring you quick and long term recovery from slip disc.

Our therapists will give you advice regarding correct posture while sitting, standing, lying and driving to prevent the recurrence of the problem. You will be guided regarding proper lifting techniques. You will be given a detailed exercise regime to strengthen the core muscles and stretch the muscles from time to time to improve flexibility and prevent the recurrence of the problem.

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